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Self Confidence !

Self Confidence !

Self-confidence can be defined as “self-confidence,” It is much more important than it may seem at first glance; the feeling of usefulness that we attribute to ourselves concerning the world around us depends on it.

Our level of self-confidence determines the vision we have of ourselves, which in turn shapes our performance and our activities.

For instance; How many times have we thought about making a recipe, but we have not done it because we have seen that it was difficult and we have not considered ourselves capable? How many times have we thought that we would not be able to pass an exam? These are just two examples of the many that depend on self-confidence and are integrated into our daily lives.

Many aspects determine this level of self-confidence; our past, our present, and our expectations of our future; the experiences lived and the learnings that we have acquired from them, our personality …

Many factors influence our level of self-confidence. However, we are facing a construct that can be molded and can be improved. Good training is enough to raise our level of self-confidence and materialize it successfully.

It is just as maladaptive to have a low confidence level as it is to have an excessive level. The average values ​​of self-confidence allow self-awareness of our limitations, necessary to keep the flame of experiential learning alive. These average levels are those that allow us to develop our personality optimally.
How to improve self-confidence

What can we do to improve our self-confidence?

Just follow these steps consistently:

-Know yourself. Take your time to become aware of the emotions you are experiencing and to understand them. This step is essential to determine what aspects cause your low self-confidence. Only with good self-esteem can good self-confidence be achieved.

–Create a world around you in which you are genuinely comfortable. Dress in clothes that inspire confidence. Surround yourself with people who believe in you. Turn your negative self-instructions into positive ones (for example, when faced with an “I don’t think I’ll get it,” let’s think of an “I’m going to try”).

-For every negative characteristic that comes to mind about you, think of a positive one.

  • Try what you do not think capable of doing, but understand that failures are necessary to improve. Use your first attempts to bring out the positives. Don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t work out for you; It will help you know where you have to improve. The second time it will be better for you. It may be that after several more tries, it will work out for you!

–Reinforce each success, no matter how small. It will help you to continue. The reinforcement should be consistent with the success achieved. The greater the success, the greater the reinforcement.

-Don’t compare yourself to anyone. Some people have other qualities, but you also have a few that others do not have.

  • Be constant. Do not be discouraged. The changes happen little by little.

-If it costs you more than you thought and you are about to give up, consult a professional. It can flatten your way.

Improving self-confidence is a matter of predisposition and perseverance. From the first achievements, the path is advantageous; It teaches us that the limitations we previously had were imposed by ourselves for no reason. It is a source of motivation that can change us completely. Starting to experience these changes depends on ourselves.
In a world where more and more things demand us, improving self-confidence is a substantial pending issue.

Having deficits in this regard causes emotional pain and predisposes us to act like people who do not trust themselves. And that, in addition to being a source of problems, makes others treat us as if we need help with anything.

Tips for building your self-confidence

Against this destructive dynamic, here are some starting points to improve your levels of self-confidence and self-esteem and make your image of yourself work in your favor.

Coldly consider your options

Distancing yourself from your person and analyzing the things you do as an external observer will help you recognize those situations and habits in which you self-sabotage yourself. If you have had low self-esteem for a long time, you have likely entered a vicious cycle of anxiety and poor self-image from which it is difficult to get out without trying. Therefore, taking a third-person point of view will help you see this vicious cycle in total, and it will be easier to take action on the matter.

How to do this? Very easy. When you notice that something creates anguish and undermines your self-confidence, stops and think about the different options with which you can face this situation and choose the one that you think will benefit you half or long term.
The key: overcome the tendency to stay in your bubble.

Make sure that your conception of “best” in the long term is not influenced by your desire to choose a comfortable solution. If you want to do things differently than you usually do, you will have to get out of your comfort zone. For example, suppose you think one of your academic papers has received a lower score than expected. In that case, the easiest option may be to do nothing, but if you go to the correction review so that the person who has corrected it, you Explain where you have failed, you are likely to learn things, although facing your mistakes can be somewhat uncomfortable.

Do the same with your negative habits

This distanced point of view should not only act when considering your possibilities of action but also as a method to detect those thoughts that undermine your levels of self-confidence. Having a good image of yourself is not about having an objective image of yourself (that would be impossible, with the number of things you know about yourself) but having a helpful self-image.

What makes the difference when it comes to building a positive self-image is selective attention. When you do not have great regard for yourself, all that information about you and your actions comes to you having passed through a filter that makes you see everything in a pessimistic key. In this way, you will have a propensity to pay close attention to things that go wrong, while your merits will go unnoticed. Since this bias is going to be there whatever you do, please take advantage of it! Detecting unfair thoughts about yourself and recognizing them as such will help you downplay them.
Changing your thoughts to play in your favor

As you see the amount of unrealistic negative thoughts about yourself, you will be more aware of your ability to actively participate in building adequate levels of self-confidence because you will realize that what you knew about yourself was skewed by your mood. You can also turn the situation around by fighting back with positive thoughts and paying more attention to what speaks well about you. This will not only change your perception of your personality, but it will also cause you to act differently, and, as a final effect, it will improve your levels of self-confidence.

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