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What if I have low self-esteem?

What if I have low self-esteem?

You can do things to feel better about yourself. It’s never too late. Here are some tips for raising your self-esteem:

Connect with people who treat you well. Some people act in ways that make you feel bad. But other people lift your spirits with what they tell you. Learn to grasp that difference. Choose friends who help you feel good about yourself. Find people with whom you can be yourself. Be that kind of friend with others.

Say things that help you. Connect with your inner voice. Is it too critical? Are you too hard on yourself? For a few days, write down some of the things you say to yourself. Check the list. Are they the kind of things you would say to a good friend? If not, rewrite them in such a way that they are accurate, fair and kind. Read the new phrases often. Do this until the behavior of thinking in this way becomes a habit.

Accept what is not perfect. It’s always good to do your best. But when you think you need to be perfect, you can’t feel good if you don’t achieve that perfection. Accept the best you can give of yourself. And let yourself feel good about it. Ask for help if you can’t overcome that need to be perfect.

Set goals and push yourself to achieve them. If you want to feel good about yourself, do things that are good for you. Maybe you want to eat a healthier diet, get fitter, or study better. Set a goal. Then make a plan to achieve it. Follow your plan. Keep track of your progress. Be proud of having come this far. Tell yourself: “I have been following my plan to train 45 minutes a day. I feel good for having achieved it. And I know I can continue like this.”

Focus on what is going well for you. Are you so used to talking about your problems that they are the only thing you see? It’s easy to be dominated by what is going wrong for you. But, unless you balance it with what works for you, it will only make you feel bad. The next time you find yourself complaining about yourself or having a bad day, find something that worked for you to counter it.

Be generous and help others. Helping is one of the best ways to grow your self-esteem. Help a classmate study, help clean up your neighborhood, participate in a fundraiser for a good cause. Help out at home or school. Make it a habit to be kind and fair to others. Do things that make you proud of the type of person you are. When you do positive things for other people, no matter how small, your self-esteem will grow.
Self-esteem in adolescence

During adolescence, it is common for young people to have self-esteem problems. It is a period of personal growth and development in which the peer group, the family, and the media strongly influence each individual’s self-assessment.

It is about the value given to physical appearance and one’s abilities and skills, such as sports, intellectual, social, among others.

The expectations of others, comparisons, and personal references can exert intense pressure and generate insecurities in adolescents in this time of change. Anorexia and bulimia, for example, are related to the image and value that a person gives himself.
Self-esteem and valuation

Self-esteem is based on a person’s value on himself, which can be modified over time and requires adequate knowledge and personal acceptance.

A positive motivation when facing a particular task, emphasizing one’s qualities, increases the chances of success and, therefore, self-esteem.
Phrases about self-esteem

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb trees, it will spend its life thinking it is stupid. " Albert einstein
"Self-esteem is not as vile a sin as self-esteem." William Shakespeare
"Loving yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance." Oscar Wilde
"We all know that self-esteem comes from what you think of yourself, not what others think of you." Gloria Gaynor
"There is something worse than death, worse than suffering ... and that is when one loses self-love." Sandor Márai
"Do not live so that your presence is noticed, but so that your absence is felt." Bob Marley

Self-assessment is based on all the thoughts, feelings, sensations, and experiences that a person goes through and collects during their life. This can vary across different areas of experience, according to gender, age, and other conditions.

According to what a Previously exposed, there are various types of self-esteem, which can be classified into nine levels. The best known are those of Hornstein and Ross.

Hornstein classification:

According to Hornstein, there are five types of self-esteem, and each of them is subject to the appreciation that each individual has of himself.

High and stable self-esteem

When self-esteem is high and stable, external factors do not influence the appreciation that the person with this type of self-esteem has, so they act openly and do not need courage from other people, being able to defend their values and points of view without being influenced externally.
Having high self-esteem allows a person to appreciate himself positively, which helps to make his attitude towards life optimal. This does not imply that the individual is perfect, but rather that they accept themselves without crossing the line of mediocrity or conformity. An individual with high self-esteem is more likely to achieve the ideal of happiness.
High and unstable self-esteem

People with this kind of self-esteem have high esteem but are susceptible to changes by external influences, especially when they are subjected to competition, responding negatively to failure by being perceived as threats. His position will be firm before his point of view to the point of not accepting others, so he will try to impose his own.

This type of high self-esteem is unstable, so the person will adopt an aggressive attitude to promote her self-esteem or passive to defend it.

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