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where does self-esteem come from?

where does self-esteem come from?

Self-esteem is a term closely linked to self-concept. But in this case, it is more related to the subjective assessment that someone has of themselves.

Self-esteem originates through lived experiences, learning, and what others think about oneself. However, it is related to the personal valuation that one makes, not with the purchasing power that he may have.

Since childhood, self-esteem is formed. At that time, one is acquiring the concept of his person, the ideas, thoughts, and evaluations of him.

It is a crucial stage of life and will be of significant influence in later stages. This, since events or circumstances that will mark the future, will have been stored.

Self-esteem is made up of everything we think about ourselves, the value judgment we make about it, and how it influences us when we act.

How you can improve self-esteem

These are some exercises that you can put into practice to improve self-esteem:

    Ask yourself the origin: Sit down, take a pencil and paper, and start writing down everything that occurs to you with your low self-esteem. Where do these own evaluations come from? Inquire, don’t be afraid to ask yourself questions. All these data will be of great help to you to know the reasons.

    Act: Even if you do it wrong, you must dare to act. Low self-esteem often prevents doing the things that one would like to do, which generates even more frustration. It does not matter if you fail the first time. The important thing is to face situations. This is how self-esteem is enhanced. Results are not that important but take action.

    Focus on your values: If you put passion, struggle, dedication, and effort into trying to achieve something, and in the end, for some reason, you do not achieve it, you must think that your values ​​are intact. For example, if you train every day to participate in a race and improve your diet, but you do not win, your values ​​and how you have faced the situation are still in you. You should be proud of it, and you can use them in other situations.

    Discover your strengths: What are you good at? Everyone excels at something, has a gift, or does something that they like above other things. If you focus so much on everything negative in your life, it is time to appreciate what you are good at. Acknowledging your strengths will be of great help to you.

Examples of self-esteem

Here are some examples of self-esteem:

    Teachers and professors are essential to ensure that from a young age, we develop high self-esteem.

    Someone with high self-esteem recognizes that they can be wrong, but they are not afraid of being wrong.

    A person with low self-esteem always needs another person to help him with his decisions.

    Another example of low self-esteem occurs in those people who feel the need to please others. They think they won’t want them otherwise.

What is Self-esteem:

Self-esteem is the positive or negative assessment, perception, or judgment that a person makes of himself based on evaluating his thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

It is a term of Psychology studied by various experts in the area. However, it is used in everyday speech to refer, in a general way, to the value that a person gives himself.

Self-esteem is related to self-image, which is the concept that one has of one’s own, and self-acceptance, which is about self-recognition of qualities and defects.

How a person is valued is often influenced by external agents or the context in which the individual finds himself. Therefore it can change over time.

In this sense, self-esteem can increase or decrease from emotional, family, social, or work situations, even due to our positive or negative self-criticism.

Types of self-esteem

In a general way, one can speak of two types of self-esteem, although not exclusive ideas, since they can refer to different aspects of the human being.

That is, a person may have, for example, high self-esteem in terms of intellectual abilities – I am very clever in mathematics – but low self-esteem in other areas, such as, for example, “I am very clumsy in sports.”

High self-esteem

People with high self-esteem are characterized by being very confident in their abilities. In this way, they can make decisions, take risks, and face tasks with a high expectation of success because they positively see themselves.

As our high self-esteem increases, we will feel better prepared, with greater capacity and disposition to carry out various activities; we will have tremendous enthusiasm and desire to share with others.

Low self-esteem

People with low self-esteem can feel insecure, dissatisfied, and sensitive to criticism. Another characteristic of people with low self-esteem can be the difficulty of being assertive, that is, of claiming their rights in a good way.

Low self-esteem can derive for various reasons such as, for example, the appreciation we make of ourselves, the opinion we have of our personality, our beliefs, among others.

Where does self-esteem come from?

From our parents, our teachers and more people. The people in our lives can influence how we feel about ourselves. When they focus on the good we have, we feel good about ourselves. By being patient when we make mistakes, we learn to accept ourselves. When we have friends and get along with them, we feel accepted.

But if adults scold us instead of praising us, it is difficult for us to feel good about ourselves. Bullying and being picked on by your siblings or colleagues also damage your self-esteem. Harsh words leave a mark, and they become a part of what you think and how you feel about yourself. Fortunately, things don’t have to continue like this.

Your inner voice. The things you say to yourself play an essential role in how you feel about yourself. Thinking things like: “I am a failure: I always lose” or “I will never make friends” damages your self-esteem.

There are other ways of thinking about the same things. “I haven’t won this time, but maybe I will win next time.” “Maybe I can make some friends.” This inner voice is much more hopeful. It helps you feel good. And it could become real.

Sometimes our inner voice is based on the harsh words that other people have said to us. Or in bad experiences that we have had. Sometimes our inner voice is very harsh on us. But we can change that inner voice. We can learn to think better things about ourselves.

Learn to do things. We feel good when we learn to read, add, draw, and build things. Play a sport, play music, write a story, ride a bike. Set the table, wash the car. Help a friend, take your dog for a walk. Everything you learn and do is an opportunity to feel good about yourself. Take a step back and see what you are capable of. Let you feel happy about it.

But sometimes, we are too harsh and critical of ourselves. We don’t accept that what we do is good enough. If we think, “It’s worth noting,” “It’s not perfect,” or “I can’t do it well enough,” we miss out on building our self-esteem.

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