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The benefits of walking: what happens when you walk?

The benefits of walking

Everyone senses that walking is good for your health, but when you read these 16 benefits of walking, you will be perplexed by how vital a little daily exercise can be to your life. So grab your slippers and go for a walk !!!
What benefits do you get from walking?

The benefits of walking are more than you can imagine:

Reduces the risk of being hypertensive.

In patients with arterial hypertension, it reduces blood pressure values.

Produces favourable effects on cholesterol.

Walking regularly can help lower LDL cholesterol by helping you lose weight and reducing your stress.

Prevents the onset of diabetes.

People who are not physically active are more likely to have diabetes because they do not burn the sugar they eat. For the same reason, walking regularly will make your body process this substance faster and thus prevent suffering from this disease.

Improve your sex life.

Sex and exercise go hand in hand. In a study of women between the ages of 45 and 55, those who exercised, including walking, reported not only more sexual desire but also more incredible sexual satisfaction.

Increases Vitamin D levels.

Walking in daylight increases the body’s vitamin D levels – a nutrient that is difficult to obtain from food but can be synthesized through exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D plays a massive role in many ways, from bone health to immune system health. While it is true that protecting yourself from the sun’s rays is essential, experts agree that exposing your skin to the sun, frequently but without burning, will help produce enough vitamin D.
Benefits of walking

Helps to lose weight.

Walking 40-45 minutes simultaneously, we will begin to burn the deposited fat 20-25 minutes after starting the walk. Walking at a moderate pace for 30 – 60 minutes not only burns stored fat but also builds muscles that increase your metabolism.

A study by the London School of Economics ensures that the benefits of a walking increase in women over 50 years of age.

Walking prevents obesity and cellulite deposits.

A brisk, short walk several times a day has the same effect as an aerobic gym session on maintaining body weight by balancing the metabolism.

And a new 2019 study of more than 44,000 Canadians found that people living in more walkable neighbourhoods had a lower overall risk of cardiovascular disease. That’s one reason to advocate for a local infrastructure that makes walking more accessible, says lead author Nicholas Howell, Ph.D., of the Li Ka Shing Institute of Knowledge at St. Michael Hospital in Toronto.

Still, in the short term, “even in less walkable neighbourhoods, there are ways to stay active in your daily routines,” Howell says. He also suggests running errands on foot, parking further from your destination, or getting off the bus a stop earlier. Those slight adjustments “can help you walk a few extra steps each day,” Howell says. “And they all join in.”

Here’s what walking can do for you and how you can maximize its many benefits.

The benefits of walking

  1. Lower Body Mass Index (BMI). A study from the University of Warwick published in 2017 in the scientific journal International Journal of Obesity confirms that people who walk more and spend less time sitting have a lower BMI, which indicates obesity. In the study, those who took 15,000 or more steps per day tended to have a BMI in the everyday, healthy range.
  2. Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol. National Walkers’ Health research found that regular walking was associated with a 7% reduction in the risk of high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
  3. Lower fasting blood sugar (glucose) levels. Higher blood glucose levels are a risk factor for diabetes, and the National Walkers’ Health study also found that people who walked had a 12% lower risk of type 2 diabetes.
  4. Improves memory and cognitive function. Better memory and cognitive function: A 2021 study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found that when adults 55 and older with mild cognitive impairment were assigned to stretching and toning exercises or aerobic training, primarily walking, both groups showed some improvement in cognitive tests. But compared to the stretching and toning group, the group that walked to stay in shape improved aerobic fitness the most, decreased stiffness in the arteries in the neck, and showed increased blood flow to the brain in ways the researchers believe could provide more long-term cognitive benefits.

A clinical trial of older adults in Japan published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society in 2015 found that after 12 weeks, men and women part of a prescribed daily walking exercise group had significantly more significant improvements in memory and function. Performance function (the ability to pay focused attention, switch between various tasks, and hold multiple items in working memory) compared to those in a control group who were told to continue their usual daily routine.

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