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benefits of walking

benefits of walking

Exercising, specifically going for a daily walk, is one of the easiest ways to prevent some diseases and control body weight.

According to experts, walks benefit the body if done regularly, for times longer than 30 minutes.

Among the benefits it provides is reducing the risk of developing chronic diseases, even promoting brain function, heart and mood.

Harvard adds that it counteracts the effects of obesity-promoting genes and reduces the risk of breast cancer in women by up to 14 percent.

According to the experts, we leave you with 10 of the main benefits of walking to take care of your health.

Read The five best exercises for your body, according to Harvard.

Walking helps you live longer.

A study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society suggests that physically active people in their 70s and 90s may live longer than those who are not.
Boosts immunity

Research from Arthritis Research & Therapy notes that high-intensity interval walking improves immune function in older adults with rheumatoid arthritis, while another study from Chronic Respiratory Disease says that walking helps patients with the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease reduce their risk of mortality, improves symptoms and reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
Improve sleep

Like other aerobic exercises, walking improves the quality of sleep and extends it throughout the night.

Sleep scientists note that regular walking promotes melatonin, the sleep hormone, reduces pain and stress.
Know the benefits
Physical activity doesn’t have to be complicated. Something as simple as a brisk daily walk can help you lead a healthier life. For example, regular brisk walking can help you: Maintain a healthy weight and lose body fat Prevent or control various conditions, such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer, and type 2 diabetes Improve cardiovascular fitness Strengthen your Bones and muscles Improve muscular endurance Increase energy levels Improve mood, cognition, memory and sleep Improve balance and coordination Strengthen the immune system Reduce stress and tension The faster, further and more often you walk, the older will be the benefits. For example, you can start as an average walker and then work towards walking faster and a mile in a shorter amount of time than an average walker, similar to power walkers. This can be a great way to get aerobic activity, improve heart health, and increase your stamina while burning calories. You can also alternate periods of brisk walking with leisurely walks. This type of interval training has many benefits, such as improving cardiovascular fitness and burning more calories than regular walking. And interval training can be done in less time than regular walking.

It helps burn calories and lose weight

Among the many benefits, weight loss is perhaps the most popular of all. The loss of calories depends on the distance you travel and the intensity with which you do it. Your walks include different routes, hills, parks, trails; challenge yourself to change your times and distances. Try to do at least 10,000 steps a day.
Delays the appearance of varicose veins

According to specialists from the New York City Vein Treatment Center, walking delays the appearance of varicose veins and reduces their inflammation if they have already appeared. walking also strengthens the secondary circulatory system, preserves leg muscle, and increases healthy blood flow.

It helps develop better creativity

A study published in 2014 in the Journal of Experimental Psychology, Learning, Memory and Cognition suggest that walks spark creativity after reviewing the creative thinking of two groups of volunteers, one who kept solving problems while sitting and the other who valued them during their walks.

Relieves joint pain

Harvard cites several studies that found that walking relieves joint pain, mainly in the knees and hips. Walking 9 kilometers per week prevents the development of arthritis and osteoarthritis.
Reduces the risk of chronic disease

The American Diabetes Association says that regular walking reduces blood sugar levels and the risk of developing diabetes.

For their part, scientific researchers from The New England Journal of Medicine found that going for a walk reduces the risk of strokes by up to 20 to 40 percent.

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