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muscle growth

muscle growth

The first of all would be to define what we understand by muscle development.

When we talk about muscle development, we refer to a process by which our muscles grow (are developing), and therefore we speak of a gain in muscle mass.

We can define muscle mass as the volume of the total body tissues that correspond to muscle. From the perspective of body composition, muscle mass corresponds to lean mass, the other two elements being body fat and water.

It is essential to know that the body has three different types of muscle groups.

    The one with the highest proportion is skeletal muscle, distributed throughout the figure, attached to the body, covering the bone structure.

    The second is the heart muscle; the heart, the main element of the circulatory system, is a hollow muscle located in the thoracic cavity through which blood is pumped.

    Finally, the smooth muscles are the composition of the rest of the organs (viscera).

What should we do to increase our muscle mass?

We all know that just like men and women differ markedly in developing muscle mass, another factor is genetics, which determines the anabolic process.

But this does not mean that we cannot develop our muscle mass in a healthy (without “miracles”) and proper way. For this, we are going to list some tips that you should follow:

    Conscious technique: It is one of the things that many people overlook. When doing an exercise, we have to execute the technique consciously and voluntarily, not automatically; this will help optimal muscle stimulation.

    Global and localized exercises: In training, we must stimulate the release of anabolic hormones such as growth factors (the insulin-like IGF-1, for example) that have been shown to influence muscle development. To achieve this stimulation, it is necessary to perform main exercises that encompass many muscles and large muscle groups such as squats, deadlifts, chin-ups, bench press, etc.

    Organization of training: The planning of our training sessions and setting some objectives are essential to carry out a progressive evolution. We must be careful with overtraining.

    Proper nutrition: It is a topic that always comes up, but it is the most important; without good nutrition, we will not achieve any of our goals. The body needs to be well-nourished for optimal functioning.

    Adequate rest: For muscle development to occur, the muscles need a time of rest just like we do to recover.


When we want to increase and define our muscles, it is convenient to know that muscle mass develops when they repair themselves after training, so rest days are as important as exercise days.

If you don’t allow your muscles to rest, they won’t develop. Muscles should not be exercised more than twice a week.

Neither training for many hours helps further development. 25- and 40-minute, high-intensity workouts are generally recommended.


For a balanced development of the body, which includes good muscle tone and definition, global workouts should be done, looking above all for the intensity and elevation of the pulsations during training.

Suitable exercises are those that use your bodyweight (burpees, pull-ups, push-ups, squats, jumping jacks, dips, running short distances during training … etc …)

If you are looking for muscle definition, it is better to train in the morning.

It is imperative to warm up before training and stretch afterwards.


If you want to prioritize muscle development, it is better to train at the end of the day, with fewer repetitions and more weight. After exercise, you should always stretch. The right thing to do later would be to have dinner and go to bed.

It is advisable to alternate the muscle groups to exercise during the week. One day legs, another day arms, and another chest and back avoiding overtraining a group alone.

It is vital to use the proper form for each exercise. That’s why it’s best to exercise with a trainer who knows the right way to do it. In any case, it is advisable to seek advice from someone who has more experience. When the priority goal is muscle development, a higher caloric intake is required than when the goal is muscle definition.

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