Tendency to suffer from flatulence: pumpkin has been linked to flatulence in some cases, especially undercooked. It all depends on the way of cooking and personal sensitivity. For example, well-cooked butternut squash will cause less flatulence than whole, undercooked pumpkin.
Kidney problems or other potassium limitations: kidney patients who have to limit their potassium intake should control their consumption of pumpkin because of its high potassium content.
Buying and conservation advice
Whether we choose a winter or summer squash, acquiring firm specimens with intact skin is advisable.
On the other hand, they should keep the tailor peduncle because the pumpkin will lose moisture if they do not have it. If we choose a summer squash, we must choose a medium-sized one; the largest ones usually have the most bitter flesh.
The pumpkin must be tender but firm, with shiny skin, very soft and not excessively hard. Dullness or tough or rough skin are signs that your meat is dry.
When acquiring a winter squash, choosing well-ripened specimens with a thick rind (soft skin indicates that it is not yet ripe), also, winter squash should be heavy relative to its volume.
What you should know:
Season: the most consumed are usually Autumn and winter, but there are different varieties throughout the year, as there are summer squash and winter squash.
Benefits: it is attributed protective properties of the gastric mucosa; it is rich in antioxidants, carotenoids, and a great source of potassium.
Ideal in easily digestible diets and for children or adults with an aversion to green vegetables.
After the rich summer garden comes a season that has nothing to envy in terms of market wealth, Autumn welcomes us with apples, pears, chestnuts, persimmons, and citrus, but there is a vegetable that undoubtedly reigns supreme and has become an icon of this time. It is the pumpkin season, inevitably linked to the imagination of Halloween and the pastoral idea of ideal magazine autumn, although in reality, we can find it almost all year round.
43 recipes with pumpkin to lose weight eating tasty
Directly to the Palate
43 recipes with pumpkin to lose weight eating tasty
Nobody is aware that pumpkins have taken on much more prominence in our daily lives since their growing popularity in recent years. Influenced by those contagious fashions that come to us from American culture, with Halloween already fully established in our country and many of its autumnal recipes, it has helped us recover a vegetable with a lot of tradition in it our gastronomic culture.
His image is associated with the grayer and more relaxed days, with landscapes of fallen leaves, trees dyed in yellow and ocher tones, baskets with mushrooms, and still lifes with chestnuts and walnuts, but the pumpkins had never quite left. Thanks to the great diversity of varieties, and also to its long conservation, this vegetable can be enjoyed all year round, although it is true that it is in Autumn when you most want to take advantage of it.
VEGETABLE TIAN, the best way to eat vegetables in an original way
Description and general characteristics
The pumpkin is the fruit of the gourd, and it belongs to a well-known family in our kitchens, the cucurbits. Therefore, it is a relative of the zucchini, cucumber, watermelon, or melon, climbing or creeping plants of which there are more than 800 varieties around the world.
October is the month of Halloween, a tradition that is increasingly popular in Spain and has pumpkins as its symbol. It is no coincidence, and it is that pumpkin is one of the most typical products of this season of the year.
And although here we are not going to indicate how to decorate a pumpkin for Halloween, we will explain that every 100 grams of this food contain 20 calories, 1% of the total daily necessary in an adult (approximately).
Also, cooked pumpkin has no cholesterol at all and only 0.07 grams of fat. Regarding the carbohydrates it has, we are talking about 4.9 grams. It also provides 1.1 grams of fiber, 1 milligram of sodium, and 93.69 grams of water.
As for vitamins, puhttps://doctoraotorrino.com/ideas-for-eating-pumpkin/mpkin, for every 100 grams, has 5755 milligrams of vitamin A, 9 milligrams of vitamin B-9, and 4.7 milligrams of vitamin C.
October is Halloween and Pumpkin Month.
When we talk about chestnuts, we must speak that we are facing what is probably the nut with the highest contribution of carbohydrates, but at the same time one of the ones that provide the least calories. For example, 100 grams of almonds provide 600 kilocalories, while 100 grams of chestnut, only 185 kilocalories. This happens because 50% of the chestnut is water.
The chestnut also has a relatively low percentage of fats, in addition to the fact that those it contains are polyunsaturated (which are considered therapeutically healthy). The chestnut also stands out for its high content of B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, and B6) and mineral salts (especially calcium, potassium, and magnesium).
Pumpkins are plants that grow spreading through the ground in the shape of a vine, with branches capable of colonizing the ground quickly, intertwining and forming sometimes twisted knots. The leaves are generally large and broad, lobed, and covered with light hair. The flowers closely resemble those of zucchini, yellow or more orange, trumpet-shaped.
The fruits or berries generally grow at ground level, appearing between the leaves and branches, and can reach an enormous size, depending on the variety. They can be rounded or elongated, flat or violin-shaped, with smooth or rough skin. The color also varies a lot, from pale cream or almost white to deep oranges and a whole range of greens. What does characterize the pumpkins is the more problematic, more or less thick skin and an interior that keeps the seeds in the center, flat.
The meat or pulp is generally soft but not as soft as zucchini or cucumber and contains less water. Depending on the variety, it can have a more orange or paler color, with a uniform or fibrous texture.
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